Seldon Insights

Open experience

Seldon Insights: Experience Meets Generative AI 

Welcome to Seldon Insights, a startup that combines the experience of our experts with the power of Generative AI. We create high-quality reports for various fields and industries, such as aerospace, defense, supply chain, and information technologies. Our reports are tailored to the needs and expectations of our clients, and are enhanced by cutting-edge natural language processing and deep learning techniques.

What is Generative AI? 

Generative AI is a branch of artificial intelligence that can generate new content, such as text, images, or music, based on existing data. Generative AI can help us create content faster, cheaper, and more efficiently. However, Generative AI is not a magic tool that can replace human experience. Experience is not just knowledge or statistical probability. It is the result of living through situations and learning from them. Machines can have their own experience, but it will not be the same as ours.

Why Choose Us? 

At Seldon Insights, we believe that the best results come from combining human and machine experience. Our team of experts have diverse backgrounds and experiences, and have faced and solved complex challenges using their creativity and analytical skills. They have also learned from their failures and successes, and are eager to share their insights and lessons with others. We use Generative AI to support our team’s capabilities and efficiency, not to do the work for them. We also use Generative AI to augment our team’s knowledge and skills, by providing them with relevant information and feedback.

How Do We Work? 

We work with our clients to understand their goals and requirements, and then we use Generative AI to generate a draft report based on existing data. We then review and edit the draft report to ensure its quality, accuracy, and relevance. We also add our own experience and expertise to make the report more insightful and valuable. Finally, we deliver the report to our clients and collect their feedback.

As Andy Jassy, CEO of AWS (and now of Amazon) said: “There is no compression algorithm for experience.” We agree with him. That’s why we use both human and machine experience to create our reports.

This welcome page text was written by both humans and AI.